학교 선택, 자녀의 미래가 달라진다.
395, Dongcheon-ro, Suji-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Tel: 031-263-2659
학교 유형 School Type |
미인가국제학교 |
개설 학년
Grades Offered |
Pre K -G12 |
Year Founded |
2007 |
학력인증기관 인증 여부
Educational Accreditation |
국내 인가 여부
Institution Authorization |
미인가 |
미션 스쿨 여부
Religious Affiliation |
기독교 |
학교 캠퍼스 크기
Campus Size |
총 학생 수
Total Number of Students |
478 |
Student Ratio (International vs. Korean) |
1:6 |
총 교직원 수(교사/교직원)
Total Number of Teacher/Faculty |
96( 교직원 24) |
교사:학생 비율
Teacher : Student Ratio |
1:5 |
학급당 평균 학생 수
Average Number of Students in each class |
13 |
Dormitory |
교복 착용 여부
Dress Code |
없음 |
학교 시설(예:체육관, 도서관, 과학실…..)
School Facility(Ex:gym, library, science room…) |
Gym, libraries, Futsal grounds, playground, cafeteria, etc. |
스쿨버스 운행 여부
School Transportation Offered |
있음 |
평균 SAT/ACT점수 Average SAT/ACT |
ACT:26/36 SAT: 1386/1600 |
AP/Advanced 과목수 # of AP/Advanced Courses Offered |
15 |
IB개설 여부 IB offered |
NO |
ESL 개설 ESL Course offered |
Yes |
방학 캠프 개설 Camp Program Offed |
Yes |
입학금 Entrance Fee |
500만원 |
연간 학비(등록금+학비) Yearly Tuition (Registration Deposit+Tuition Fee) |
Kindergarten: 1,900만원: Elementary School: 2000만원 Secondary School: 2400만원 Spring Vision Trip 250,000~300,000 Books 300,000 (Semester) Shuttle Bus 250,000 (Month) Lunch 120,000 (Month) IT & Technology 100,000 (Semester) Application Fee 200,000 (One time) Donation 5,000,000 (One time) Uniform (None) Vision Trip Abroad -Africa (2,500,000 + Air ticket) -Winter -America (2,500,000 + Air ticket) -Summer -Southeast Asia (1,000,000 + Air ticket) -Winter -Japan or China (700,000 + Air ticket) |
장학금 여부 Scholarship Offered |
Sibling Scholarship |
원서 접수 마감일 Application Deadline |
A week before the starting of the semester |
입학 조건 Entrance requirements |
No specific requirement, but there are three step interviews. 1st round: school info session 2nd round: student interview with test, and 3rd interview: parent interview |
입학처 전화번호와 이메일 Admissions Contact Information |
031-263-2659 (Press 1 for admission) |
커리큘럼 Course Listings | |
# of AP / Advanced Courses Offered | Currently 15 AP/Advanced classes are offered. |
Courses | Currently Offering AP or College Level Classes: English AP Literature AP Language Math Discrete Math / Algorithm Design "AP Computer Science A / Data Structures " AP Calculus BC AP Calculus AB AP Statistics Science AP Physics 1 AP Chemistry AP Biology Social Studies AP Economics: Micro & Macro AP Human Geography "AP Comparative Government & Politics AP World History Art AP Studio Art (*** can be changed if there are less than five students per class) |
특별활동 개수 # of Activities |
특별활동 종류 Types of Activities |
School Vision Trip Road Trip in America Spiritual Trip in Hawaii Mission Trip in Tanzania/ Cambodia Varsity sports (Boy’s & Girl’s Soccer, Boy’s & Girl’s Basketball, Boy’s & Girl’s Volleyball, etc.) Intermural sports: Baseball, Table Tennis, Badminton, wrestling, futsal, etc. Music Festival Arts Exhibition Sports Day Orchestra & Chamber & Science Fair Creative Writing & Art Fair National Honor Society Student Council Student led clubs: Value of Value Brain Exercise Software Development Let’s Create Well-Software Health & Diet Role Play Solar Salt Game Development National Honor Society Pre-Med D.N.A. Broadcasting Free Band Fashion Art Business Culture Magazine Model United Nations Etc. |
SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT Our mission is to educate young men and women who want to change the world with a genuine Christian belief. Our curriculum is based upon the principles contained in the Word of God. We incorporate teaching methodologies that employ critical thinking, debate and educational projects to ensure students are able to use their minds creatively |
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